I'm a lot of things during the week. A husband, a daddy, a math teacher, a college student finishing up his degree, a coffee enthusiast, and a proud owner of a rescued black lab (who is really getting on my nerves this morning - btw). I am so glad that there is a thing called a weekend. Because for a couple days I get to skinny that list down to the first two. I usually reserve Saturday as my weekly day of rest, my sabbath. In any home, there is such a thing as divisions of labor. Mine is taking out the trash, doing the dishes when possible, taking care of our dog, taking care of the yard, and general upkeep when possible. Today, Sunday, I usually reserve for a good part of this work. So today, I get to text my father-in-law and let him know that I do not know how to clean the air filter on the mower I borrowed from him (even though I told him I did, to earn some man points with him) and then I will Ajax the cheese that is welded to the kitchen sink from last night in an effort to unhook it.
I've discovered that winding down each week with Jesus is one of the most important things I have to do in order to "survive" the next week. I really have found out why God made it a commandment. It's sooo important to have a day with Jesus, to rest in him. We all have our work in this world to do; but it's so fulfilling to take a step back and just look at all we've done for a day and rest and enjoy life with Jesus. Yesterday, I went swimming with my girls. It was awesome :) It's great to do things just because. God was so gracious when he gave us not only to his Son, but also to each other. He gave us one another to get and give incredible joy and fulfillment. I love seeing that look in my wife's eyes that is saying, "I wish this day would never end." I love seeing my daughter's face light up with joy. Relaxing with Jesus can become just being us and having fun. I think that not being too focused on worship on one specific moment during a day, such as a quiet time or Bible study or get-together with a good friend for coffee (although very good for us, no doubt at that), but instead spreading that out in every part of our relationship with Jesus during the day, allows us to relax greater on our Sabbath. It takes the pressure off of us to perform for God on Sunday (or whatever day you choose to take your sabbath on). And allows us greater freedom to enjoy the wonderful love, family, friends, world God has given us to indulge in and rest from our work.
I go to bed at night after a wonderful couple of days like this, living in joy and rest and the beauty of the woman in my life, and I have this ache inside me. For more and more and more of it. I want to do another cannonball with my wife into the pool. I want to spend one more night eating pizza and watching movies. I want to never leave the hot summer day hanging out with the one I love. And that ache literally cannot be filled. I could do it all again tomorrow, the ache would still be there. It's like I have to be connected spiritually, emotionally, and physically to a Source so that it will just feed me there in my soul's quest for a beautiful, perfect time with my loved ones and for everything to be made right in the world. I know that is an ache for God. It has to be. God is not a god who is obsessed with power, desires control, or is concerned with our bowing in fear to his might, he is concerned with being bare to us in our hearts. He gave us these aches after a wonderful day to draw us home to him. Ecclesiastes 3:11, God has set eternity in the hearts of men.
My goodness there are true mysteries about God that I wonder if I will ever understand. The biggest one, the one that captivates me daily, even now, is Jesus' beauty. And I know more of it then ever because of my wife. In Genesis 1:27 it says Jesus created man in his own image, male and female he created them. It's as men and women that we bear the image of God. Oh boy, that is a true statement. Nothing makes my ache to know God's beauty deepen more than when I see my wife. Just in the day to day moments, hanging out at our house, watching a movie, going grocery shopping - those moments are solid gold. I want to do regular things like that with my Lover Jesus, ALL the time! Then, the cake topper, comes in those special moments, when I see my wife's eyes light up when we are having fun, going swimming, playing with our daughter, laughing and hanging out while driving out to nowhere just because; oh man, this ache in my heart feels like it is so close in those moments to being filled, but, it's always just a little too far away. And in a very important way, until we are in our Lover's arms covered by him, that ache will always be there. It's his whisper calling us to him, cooing to us to pursue him forever.
There's a really good song we both like, Tonight's Gonna Be a Good Night, by the Black Eyed Peas, and we love the part where they go, "Woooohoooo." In a way for my heart, it almost incapsulates the ache after a great day, and just realizing it's an ache for God himself. If you're a husband or a man who has found the woman he is going to spend his life with, you will know exactly what I'm about to say. If my wife is the image of God, in all her wild beauty, incredible joy, and eyes that draw me into a perfect world from across the room, then what will the Original be like? What will it be like being in a passionate love affair with Jesus and marrying God himself? It's going to be the fulfillment of that ache in our hearts is what it will be. I really suggest for some great intimate time with God, is thinking of what really pulls at your heart, like a really good song that you love, and enjoy it while worshipping Jesus.
Make it special! Jesus said, When you pray go into your inner room, close your door, and pray. (Matthew 6:6) Make worship special time. This is you and your God, the one who desires you, dreams of you calling him your Lover and you his beloved, and wants to be your everything, and this is your time to be with him. Put on that music he uses to draw your heart to him, light some candles, love him and make it special! Beg him to make you ache for him. It is WONDERFUL! He is our God and he is perfect and beautiful. And enjoy being near his beautiful Spirit.
And then one day we will be physically with him all day long. And it will be the fulfillment of all heart's desires in him.
And not only that, but it will be all of us together with God. We marry him. Yes, we all have our own relationship with him, but the wedding dinner after we say our "I Do's" to God is going to be wonderful. Food? You bet. The very best Heaven has to offer. Jesus said at the last dinner, "For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes." Luke 22:18, NIV. Jesus gave up his wine for the last 2000 years, because he's waiting to have his next glass with us. Maybe while having a romantic, late night picnic? Or cuddled up with him by the fire? Who knows what surprises our Lover has planned. We can only daydream. And daydream we must! Hope is our ally on this side of eternity. Then after the finest dinner, we'll push back the tables, the music will begin and we will dance! (Jeremiah 3:4,13) We'll have the best wedding dance ever! We will have fun and party with our God! We will celebrate the beginning of our life with him and our marriage to him. Eternity will begin and God will crush Satan and evil under his foot, never again to be remembered in all the earth. And we will live forever together with God.
Happily ever after.
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