I told my wife yesterday, after a hard week, "I really, really hope people who are not in love with God get psychoanaylsis. I'm 100% sure on that." Laughing she said, "How come?" "Because I am so messed up and when I had really close love time with God this morning he took it all away . But what about people who don't have God? They need analysis!" "Why don't they just become Christians too?" "Well, I mean, these are the people who would never become a Christian." "OH! Ok, alright, i can see that."
Whenever I just am going under the waters of my day, or week, there is one way to always, always get rid of it all. Worship Jesus and get into his loving embrace. Fast. He takes away our entire load for us; he unhooks our yolk and gives us the yolk of a lover relationship with him as our identity. When we trade in his kisses for anything else, life blossoms. Love blossoms and comes alive in him. Because he is love. He is God.
One tool we need to stay in his love is his hope. Hoping that one day it will be us and Jesus on a beach at sunset kissing. "Kissing you is more delicious than drinking the finest wine. How wonderful and tasty!" Song of Songs 7:9. To be entirely his and to live every moment of every day in his gaze and embrace. One with him at every moment. To God, we are the desire of his heart. The one he wants to marry, to love, to live with forever, to embrace and be one with. When we let this become our entire identity, we change and this world just burns off in his embrace. We need to be lost in joy being with our Lover, our Lord Jesus Christ. We need the thought of being near to him to make our heart race and to give us trembles.
Jesus knocks at our heart every day to come in to be intimate with us and be worshipped by us.
Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together (Revelation 3:20)
'Let the north wind blow, the south wind too! Let them spread the aroma of my garden, so the one I love may enter and taste its delicious fruits.' 'My bride, my very own, I come to my garden and enjoy its spices. I eat my honeycomb and honey; I drink my wine and milk. Eat and drink until you are drunk with love.' Song of Songs 4:16-5:1 (CEV)
When we let him in, we get our heart's desires. We get to indulge and take great delight in a romance where we worship our Heavenly Lover.
Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you your heart's desires. Psalm 37:4
And this is exactly what God is longing for with us. He wants to rejoice over us as his lover. He wants us, bad.
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so your God will rejoice over you. Isaiah 62:5 (NIV)
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