Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy With God


First, I'm really sorry for not blogging for almost a week! Kayla and I are taking this online jazz class right now and it's completely taking up our time. The spiritual warfare has picked up along with the extra work. It's like Satan can't wait to get out in the field where we plow and throw some rocks at us. He makes me sick. Anyways, I will try to blog regularly and not spasm out for a week. I have learned the complete lesson that the most effective thing to fight spiritual warfare with is relaxing in God's arms while he showers me with his love. Nothing is a more powerful weapon than God's love for us. Especially when Satan starts throwing the condemnations toward us. God is gorgeous. He is so beautiful. Yesterday, I read part of Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. The excerpt was Eldredge talking about how he asked God to tell him his name, to tell him what he thought of him and how much he meant to him. I wanted it after I read it! And this early morning I was worshiping Jesus and I asked him what I was to him, what my name was. Oh he told me! :) He told me I was his lover, the one he wakes up with on Sunday mornings and hangs out with on wintry, snow-filled days talking over coffee and cider. And the one he wants to go swimming with and spend forever with. It was so special to me. It was a foretaste of the white stone he will give us with our new name when he takes us home to be with him (Revelation 2:17). If you have never asked God what you mean to him, ask him! We all need to know what our Beloved thinks of us and how he sees us and for that to be our identity. Not anything else besides that. It also helps in spiritual warfare because Satan and his fallen angels cannot "get to us" by manipulating us into listening to his lies of condemnation and self-hatred he tries to instill in us. We should be happy with God!

So my wife's close sister in Christ, Ava, is getting married soon. And she is going to be the maid of honor! She's so excited to help plan it. I mean we're talking going through bridal magazines and websites at the crack of dawn, hitting up Hobby Lobby for the most special deals you can get, seemingly non-stop texting about what the colors will be, who's doing the catering, where the venue will be, and a zillion other things. Man, I miss that. The whole thing has made me think about when me and my Kayla girl were planning our own wedding. We did all of those same things. Plus we spent so much time looking for our home. It was magical.

Maybe you've been there and done that exact same thing and miss it too. Or maybe you've never had the chance because of God's will. But either way, I want to share this: I had to relearn something lately: That's exactly what God has planned for us! Every detail will be perfect. We're marrying Jesus and he's building us a home!!! And it's going to be incredible. Never lose heart that one day we will be with him and experience life to the fullest every moment for ever and ever. Our wedding to him will be perfect. Our marriage to him will rock! And we will live forever in the Father's house with our beloved and our entire family. It's going to be great!!

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