It's Joel's wife Kayla. I wanted to share some things with all of you! Joel and I are going to try setting off a small group this Sunday. So a week from today we will {hopefully} have a home with some other Christ followers over at our house. This leaves me in a terrible dilemma. What should I prepare? Brownies? Or maybe a healthier approach... like some vegetables and dip? Of course I am just kidding. But really, if you have any ideas, let me know!
I am so excited about this group for many reasons. I am blessed to be a stay at home mom, and while it is exactly what I want & the most rewarding thing I have ever done, it can be lonely at times. I also nanny two days a week. The kids Katie & I watch are incredible 7 & 9 year old girls. While I am very blessed to have that opportunity as well, besides Joel the three people in my life are under 10 years old. My social life is pretty much zapped because we have a new baby. So my adult mind would love some adult interaction every now and then.
Also, I am so excited to go deeper. I just want some community to call me out, encourage me, and love me through this life. And I am so stinkin' excited to do that for others. I'm also glad we can open up our home & serve some other believers. But what I am the most "amped" about in Joel's words is getting my hands dirty in this city. I want to serve others, and help them, and listen to them. I want to take meals to the hungry, rescue sex slaves, and love on some children that have never been told how special they are. But what I need to remember is that I need to do these things because I want to be like Jesus. I want to be an extension of love to these people. Not for selfish feel good reasons, but because I honestly care and love these people.
So please pray for us as we try to get this thing going! We are very excited about what God will do in the coming weeks. And if you live in our area, please come. We love you so much, and would love to spend time with you. If nothing else, just to eat brownies and play games :)
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