Friday, July 23, 2010


I wanted to do an easier post before the weekend. Even after a long, hard week (or an easy, breezy one for that matter), a wonderful weekend is always welcome. I can't wait to get some rest with Jesus and my girls. I am so in love with God. He just leads us right through a time of unrest and upheaval and we only draw in closer. Closer to God and closer to each other. Kayla and I were taking a walk yesterday and we both said, almost at the same time, "I feel this has brought us even closer together." It's true, when Jesus covers us from bad weather, we develop a normal reaction inside of us to 1) draw near to God and 2) draw near to our loved ones. In John 5:39-40, Jesus said to some people who were not pursuing him, but basically only following the law to make their own holiness, 'you search and search through the Scriptures trying to find me, but you refuse to come to me to have life.'

This weekend, find life! Find love! Find joy! Pursue Jesus and all of these things will come in abundance in a beautiful, romantic relationship with God. I always take my sabbath (which is the pop Christian lingo for saying, my sunday-ie day off) on Saturdays. And Saturday, I'm resting. Hanging with my girls, swimming, maybe seeing some friends and maybe going shopping. It's going to be one relaxing day. And we're doing it all with God. We're finding life with God. And we're going to draw near to him to do that. God desires to one day actually do all those things with us, one day. But until then, he will be with us in his Spirit.

What do you desire in life? Love, happiness, joy, friendship, intimacy, fun, laughter? These things are the embodiment of a life spent with Jesus as your Love. The way God helps just dig up these emotions during the day, turns my mundane daily things into a date-night (or date-day for that matter) with God. Pursue Jesus, and find the essence of life (joy, happiness, love, intimacy, fun, laughter, and everything else good) in him!

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

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