I’ve really started to wonder how close we are to Jesus returning lately. I watched a video on Youtube on how they are not letting press into the Gulf to view the oil leak. I don’t want to make predictions or anything, but I do believe we are anytime away from Jesus coming to sweep us off our feet. I definitely think the oil leak is a part of the “birth pangs” one way or another that Jesus talked about (Matthew 24:8) But how bad is it? How much control will the government take in this situation. Reporters aren’t even allowed there and the penalty is a felony if you do take illegal pictures/video within 65 feet of equipment and beaches in the Gulf. We can’t even see the wildlife anymore and how bad they are suffering (those are brown pelicans on Breton Island, Louisiana which are endangered by the oil above), and that’s according to CNN. It would seem without regard some of our liberties are being taken away in this situation. Will it last? Maybe. Maybe not. Only God knows what will happen. But Jesus is coming soon. And for us that is our wedding day soon approaching. For those who hate him, John wrote of the elders saying in heaven,
The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great- and for destroying those who destroy the earth. Revelation 11:18 (NIV)
Soon, we will be in our God’s arms. And soon Jesus will bring justice to this world and save us. Jesus badly desires for all to come to him. And that is why he has delayed justice to the world (2 Peter 3:9). But he won’t delay forever. Every single day, helpless little girls are raped by men in the sex trade, poor babies and families starve to death in Africa (especially Sudan), people everywhere are left in brokenness and pain in their hearts and many take it out on innocent people, war is rampant, child armies exist, women are forced to emotional and physical prison across the Middle East because of pagan religions, and the list goes on and on. Only Jesus can rescue and save us! And he desires us more than anyone else ever could. He is God and he soon will come back to take us away to his castle to be his forever and marry him and live happily ever after. Never to be separated from him or from our brothers and sisters in our Father’s family. Soon, oh so soon.
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