Saturday, May 26, 2012

Who looks for me?

Jeremiah 29:14 - I will be found by you, says Yahweh.

I feel really broken lately about this. I feel that people are "in it for themselves." His people. And it makes me sad. I have no idea why he is not pursued more than how many pursue him; except for this idea...

He hides

This is the reason why I have come to think that no one is looking for him. Isaiah 45:15 - Truly, you are a God who hides himself. He hides because, like women whom he has bestowed his image of his gorgeousness upon, he wants to be desired and sought after.

How few people take this seriously!! When was the last time you set apart time to just sit down and enjoy him? To have a conversation with him without being concerned that you were going crazy because you think you might be having a conversation with yourself? To enjoy his beauty and drink it in (and I'm not talking about looking at nature or a sunset; that's not what images him - guess what does image him?? Cf Gen 1:27-28)

To want to desire God means you have to be willing to thirst. You have to need something. And if you have anaesthetised yourself to where you relegate intimacy with God to "prayer" and reading your Bible, dutifully, to just a Father or Master level, how intimately of a level do you think you will find him at? Ask and it will be given to you - but if you are unwilling to desire for what you really want (Ecclesiastes 3:11), how can you ask?

He waits to be found - he waits to be found by you. Because he has a crush on you ;)

A BIG one!

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