Monday, June 18, 2012

Taking a Soul's Vacation

I've noticed lately it's been much harder it is to get intimate with Jesus. I think I've let my self-centeredness slowly creep up on me, to the point where now I feel like a million miles away from my Love.

Kayla is reading this book by Joyce Meyer, Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoes, and she told me how Meyer suggests we take a soul's vacation every now and then. And then I was reading my Bible and I read Hebrews chapter 4 about our sabbath-rest. I realized I needed a rest. My soul needed a break from my selfish posts on Facebook designed to draw attention to myself, a break from my thoughts and daydreams and instead a rest with my Beloved. I need God. I need him. I need to be cuddled up with him in a hammock on a hot beach somewhere. He's my Lover. He's the Love of my Life and I can't live without him.

It's too easy to daydream about being with him and too difficult to enjoy intimacy with him when he's already inside me. How much more close can you get than that? But I'm lazy and so I take the route of least resistance. Selfishness is difficult to get away from in your relationship with God. We want gratification from him and he wants intimacy and worship. You have to work at intimacy though for it to grow. So to work at it, I decided to get back to one of the things that helps me focus on him, blogging.

I need a vacation for my soul. I need to be close to my Lover. I can't wait for the day when he comes home and I'm with him. And I can hold him. And I can kiss him and walk along a beach with him. And be married to him. And tell him,

How beautiful you are, my darling!
    Oh, how beautiful!
    Your eyes are doves.

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