Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rainy Night/Snuggling with God/Image Bearing

It's a rainy, cold night in Oklahoma. There was light drizzle and fog earlier and it's dark and cold. Perfect! That's means extra snuggling with my lovely wife and family and Jesus :) And some hot tea too! I'm essentially a bear. A small bear (I'm not a big guy), but a bear nonetheless. I really like to hibernate in "the cave." Rainy nights fit that bill perfectly. There is not a better reason to do some extra snuggling and sleeping when it's cold and rainy and in the middle of the night (even if it's a light rain, or snow-which is even better). This whole thing started when I left OU and walked to the parking garage after taking my physics test (which went well, thank you very much!). It was cold, drizzly, perfect. Throw in some Death Cab and talking with Jesus as I drove home to my wonderful wifey and I was happy. Our Beloved gives us such great little "gifts" like these moments through the day and night. My wife actually thinks I'm more like a cat. She sayst I have catlike-tendencies (which I will not discuss here-btw). Anyways, in honor to that, I'm hoping to look like this guy below in his pj's in a little bit:


How wonderful that God is our delight! He is the delight of our hearts and his love is just so amazing, so beautiful. I just want to send encouragement out to anyone struggling with our Love Jesus Christ and this world (He is oh so worth it!). Never forget that you are an image of our God and his very own Beloved, betrothed to him and adopted into the wonderful family of our Father and given his lovely Holy Spirit to never leave us forever :)

I'm up late studying for finals this week in order to prepare for "the final showdown." Some of the ways that I image God is through being a husband and father, but also by writing about his love, and meteorology. I do all of these thing with Jesus and to discover more of him and find new and beautiful places to have intimacy with him. We all image God. If you haven't stretched out in your heart to find how you image him, do it! You will be pleasantly surprised :) Especially if some of the ways you want to image him are things you secretly would like to do, but never really admit it to anyone, even yourself. Like maybe writing? Or cake decorating? Painting or something artistic? What kind of ways do you want to image him? It's okay if it's secret, you can keep it just between you and Jesus! But whatever it is, do it! You won't regret it. I really like cold, rainy nights with my Love Jesus sitting with me as I write and do atmospheric physics. What do you like to do and would like for Jesus to be with you in it? It could very well be a new place you can delight in God and through it get your heart's desires by having Jesus' presence with you in something you love (Psalm 37:4). Whatever it is, go for it!

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