Wednesday, August 4, 2010


One of the hardest things to do is to love Jesus in a romance in this world. We are meant to be with him; it's destiny. But at the same time, most things in the world and designed to make us crash and not pursue him. At the end of the day, it's what we do to pursue him and fall in love with him. He's already in love with us and has been since the beginning of time. We have a love story with God that is one written in the stars; we were made to be his beloved. So often we have a hard time living from that identity. Usually, we live out of an identity of busyness or what we do or where we work, but our true identity is found in him. Our Lover.

Everything he has done is to get us. He died on the cross to get us. He suffered to get us. All so that we would think, say, and write to him as we worship him and enjoy his embrace and kisses, "My Lover is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies." Song of Songs 2:16. We are living in the middle of a heavenly romance story. Where God is our (not-so) secret Lover who lives with us as here in his Holy Spirit and promises one day to return to us, sweep us off our feet, and marry us forever.

God has made us wonderfully in his image and as his beloved we should flourish in him. I read a long time ago about how a girl in love changes. Well there was this girl who was never put on makeup, never did her hair, wore plain clothes, she mostly kept to herself and didn't make any waves, you get the picture. Everyone who knew her thought she was just the "plain Jane." But then one day something changed. She came to work and to class differently. She had fallen in love. And after that, things mattered in a way that they didn't before. She wore makeup, she did her hair, she smiled nonstop, she made herself heard. She had fallen in love and been told that she was special. But, after that, she believed it.

It's just a story and I always thought it was sweet. (Not that I am endorsing the beauty industry's tactics or anything like that) The point is that when we fall in love, we should look like we are in love. We should have the fruits of the Spirit pouring out of us and we should really want to tell others about how in love we are. We have God, who is madly in love with us. Promising to whisk us off our feet and take us on the most romantic, passionate, sweet and darling honeymoon and happily ever after every and love us forever as our Beloved. We should be a city on a hill because of that. Others should see our light and our joy and want it also with God.

We've got everything we ever wanted with our God. Psalm 37:4.

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