Thursday, July 15, 2010

Autumn is on the Way!

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My wife and I went to Hobby Lobby the other day and they have their fall aisle all ready to peruse. So we slowly strolled down it, taking in the fall decor for this year. I LOVE fall. It is pretty much my favorite season. It's so beautiful, with the leaves changing color, the sky being crystal blue, the cool air filtering in from the north. Oklahoma is a beautiful place in the fall time. When I was a lot younger, I used to play the The Sims and anyway I found the soundtrack on Youtube and it reminds me so much of autumn. I listen to it and imagine me and my wifey and daughter all cuddling up with Jesus on the couch as the leaves fall outside and the cool air comes in. One of the things Jesus put in my heart as a reminder of eternity with him was a fall romance with himself. I want to share two of those songs and maybe you will hear what I mean, one from Jon Foreman (the lead singer of Switchfoot) and the other a song from The Sims:

One thing Jesus has really put on my heart lately is others in the church and those he is trying to reach to bring to himself. I have always felt like I have a heart towards those who feel like they are an outsider, like they are always on the outside looking in. Probably because I have felt like that myself most of my life. And something I would just like to say on that is if you are feeling like you are looking through the window out in the cold at the family inside, cuddled up around the warm fire as they laugh and converse, it's not true. And those feelings are only temporary. They are a result of living for a finite time in this world. In reality, everyone who is God's beloved and saved by Jesus will one day be lying around the fireplace sharing themselves and enjoying love with God and each other. No child of our Father is left outside in the bitter cold, but we are all going to be snuggled up closely to our Daddy and with our Beloved Jesus by the warm fireplace. Many of us have lived through times of loneliness and times of almost exile in this world, but those times are simply temporary and they are, in the most important way, an illusion. We always have our rich, inviting intimacy with Jesus. The best way to weather a lonely time like that is to snuggle up all the closer to Jesus. Our Lover God is incredible, wonderful. Being near to him is pure joy and happiness.

When Jesus returns, it will be perfect. We will not only know him fully, but each other also and we will never have to let each other go also. Every day I wake up and leave my wife to go to class, then to the office. Not in Heaven. There, I can finally wrap the arms of my very spirit around hers and never have to let go. We will always be together in Heaven. We will have incredible friendship and love with all of our brothers and sisters in God. And we will have a wonderful, passionate romance with God himself. One that will go to the very core of our hearts, bring us to tears because of the beauty he pursues us with (imagine everything with him: the late night picnics, playing in the snow, swimming in the summer heat, cuddling around the fire, telling him you love him face to face). Imagine your heart's desires fulfilled finally with Jesus as your Sweetheart, living in our Father's house with him and everyone else in this wonderful family he has given us. Psalm 37:4, Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you your heart's desires (NIV). We have an incredible forever after with Jesus.

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